Technical consultation

🎥 9ᵉ episode: Copié... collé!

What's your skin tone? What colour palette best suits your complexion? For Yannick, it's definitely red? Discover the 1001 characteristics of this colour!


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Brushing up your hair?

Author photo

By Caroline Bernier

2 May 2024




Reading time

3 min.

What colour red do you prefer? Carmine red, blood red, imperial red, passion red, steppe red, glacier red... When you ask for advice, or better still, when you pay for professional advice... What do you really want to hear?

Ready for the big jump?

Holalaààààà... You, I feel like you're in a fever... like you can't stand still... What's going on? You seem so agitated...

After giving it so much thought... I see you're ready for the big jump...

Do you want to change everything? Would you? Change your head? Yes, but not only that... Change your style, your image, your look... change everything!

Oh, and you don't know how to go about it or... who to ask? I see...

I bet you've been mulling it over in your head for months... But now that you've made up your mind, you can't wait any longer. Yes, I really do understand!

Yes to change, but watch out!

And it's precisely at this moment of "pre-metamorphosis" that you may be more "vulnerable"... because you may be ready to listen to a smooth talker who's ready to turn your head!

In other circumstances, you could never be tricked or swindled, as your long experience proves... But here, you're stepping out of your comfort zone into a world you don't know, or rather don't know yet.

A world full of promise, made up of novelties, changes and creativity... Of course, each of these ingredients is essential to your renewal, your makeover, your success... But not just any old way! Yes to change, while respecting your values!

Rely on your common sense and your discernment to make the most of this transformation, which can in no way be a ready-made recipe that suits everyone... which can in no way be dissociated from the ingredients of your future victory: method, rigour, attention to detail and professionalism!

There isn't just one truth, there's one for every individual! Each person puts on their glasses as they see fit, and from that comes their own vision of things, their own reality!

In the case of your company's visibility Through a website and its promotion, you need to define the target audience and therefore the type of customers you want to reach, and then put in the forms they expect, without disguising yourself, of course!

Yes, there is a way of presenting your products, services and competitive advantages to every type of customer target... But you need to know who you want to reach and how.

A unique recipe, your own recipe, punctuated with kindness!

All this is to make you aware that when it comes to communication, there is no magic formula and that your effective presence on the Internet is built through an iterative process. It's an alchemy between your business expertise and the web expertise of an agency that's able and, above all, willing to listen to you, and to take you further afield, and to challenge you, why not?

If you win by increasing your visibility, your sales and your requests for quotes, we win too! In loyalty above all 😉

So yes, I dare say that as a web marketer, I'm not in the habit of beating around the bush! I say things as I have thought them through and analysed them.

It goes without saying that everything I say will be shared and argued with the greatest respect and benevolence. Of course, you will always have the choice of the final decision, but at least you will have been warned of the negative or positive consequences of your choices.

The good news is that by accepting an iterative approach, based on experience specific to your business, your project will be continually amended, completed and improved!

So let's get going!



A customer in spite of himself!

Author photo

By Caroline Bernier

2 May 2024




Reading time

4 min.

Some people who have had very bad experiences as a customer have already told me about hallucinating situations.

A meeting where every detail is scripted, where every argument is so "unstoppable" that the poor prospect becomes a customer in spite of himself! They end up signing a contract that they didn't ask for, that doesn't suit them, solely under the pressure of an unscrupulous individual who is so indoctrinated and well-versed in these sales techniques that he himself is convinced of the benefits for his pigeon!

A detestable commercial approach

I experienced this episode myself more than 20 years ago! I'd been 'recruited' to be one of the 'reference' customers of an alarm installation company. As soon as I arrived, the representative pointed out all sorts of "malfunctions", in his eyes I might add, relating to the security of the building. To hear him tell it, the next day I was going to be subjected to such an act of vandalism that my house would literally implode.

All his arguments revolved around fear, danger and the physical risks I was running... His attitude was so excessive that I had to adopt my own stance to be able to 'chase' him out of my home.

Let's not confuse the two. I'm obviously in favour of security installations, but not just any old way, and not with just anyone! My comments are limited to describing the sales strategy employed by the representative.

And 20 years later?

I've been through it all again in 2019, this time as a "spectator"!

A very close friend of mine had been contacted by phone for a meeting about her digital visibility. During the preliminary phone call, she had the good idea of accepting the meeting and inviting me to attend. My friend and I, who have been running a business for over 15 years, had already had the opportunity to share our views on webmarketing and online communication. To be honest, it was the first and only time in the web industry that I'd ever attended such a meeting, but the lesson was very eloquent.

The representative quickly established a noxious and relatively aggressive atmosphere, not sparing one or two misogynistic remarks about the incompatibility of women and technology. I was hallucinating and so dumbfounded by the situation that I went from being an observer to a scrutiniser! How far was this individual going to dare to go in his arguments? Even though some of his arguments were false, his control was perfect, hyper-scripted, with an answer even before a question could be asked! I'd never seen my friend in such a state!

Although he hadn't been able to slip anything into our drinks, he was literally drugging us with his oppressive speech and his invective. I could see my friend breaking down. I had to ring the bell to end the session, otherwise I think she would have signed just to be left in peace. I relived my stupefaction as I wrote these few lines!

The contract on offer, which was almost 'imposed', cost almost €500... Yes, yes, and per month over 60 months! You can do the maths - it's simply incongruous, and what's more, it's not even worth the price!

Gautier, Gucci or Balmain?

The concept behind our website, More Than web, is not to be afraid or obscure... However, it's always a good idea to remember that digital communication can't be improvised, and that it's essential to respect your specific needs. Taking the time to listen to you and understand your needs is the first step in any healthy collaboration.

Even if someone tries to convince you of this, there's no such thing as "the right way". no ready-to-wear" clothing, whatever type of red it is ☺ that can lead you to success.

You and your company are unique, so opt for differentiation and Haute Couture services!



Web connoisseur profile

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