đ„ 2á” episode: Sold out!
Tonight, the Polo gang lands on our islands, with Flagada the balloon sculptor extraordinaire. Their new show is sure to delight young and old alike. Don't miss it!
Your fans are waiting to hear from you!

6 December 2023
Communication & promotion
Reading time
5 min.
N.B.: Dear readers, because of its theme, I have taken the liberty of customising this article to address the cultural sector in particular. Please note, however, that with the right positioning, the advice given also applies to retailers and entrepreneurs in other sectors.
"The Bande Ă Polo circus troupe awaits you on Friday 17th, Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th in the village square," shouts a voice through a megaphone.... "All our artists are here to present their latest acrobatic acts and a brand new futuristic magic trick. Come one, come all, with family or friends... It's a unique event not to be missed!"
This way of communicating, through a megaphone that makes sentences almost inaudible, takes us back to our childhood, to the popcorn our parents promised to give us if we were very good... of course!
Aside from the nostalgia that this announcement brings, are you sure that this way of doing things can still bring crowds to their feet and sell out your venue?
Ask yourself about your potential customers:
- Were they there to hear your vehicle and your acting skills?
- Could they have been transported by the information they received and seduced by your creation?
- Could they juggle dates by booking their place online?
Yes, it's true, the ways of finding out about a show, its dates, prices and availability, and therefore of booking it, have changed considerably.
You're dreaming of a full house, sold out, so adapt your communication!
In your opinion, what contributes to the commercial success of a blockbuster?
As the director of a theatre, a concert hall or a circus, you're bound to say that the quality of the script, the actors and their reputation, the sets, the staging, etc. are all important factors. Yes, you're right. But that's not all!
Success in theatres depends half (yes yes, for 50%!) the quality of the promotion of the film, show or cultural event on offer! All the communication, down to the smallest detail! From the teasing beforehand, to the execution during the event, to the feedback from your spectators, all of which will help to raise your profile!
The coherence of your global communication
So that your establishment can be easily identified, all your promotional materials will follow the same patternYou'll use the same graphic identity for your flyers and leaflets, your posters, your support material at the venue, your newsletters, your publications on social networks and, of course, your website!
Be sure to add the identity of your establishment so as to maintain a link. visual from one show to the next, whether the script is comic or dramatic, light-hearted or philosophical...
There are a number of recurring visual elements, such as the abstract shapes, wavy lines, pencil-effect lines and drops, and the white outlines around the highlighted elements.
The same elements are used for these designs to create consistency between the different publications and articles.
Too much information kills information
Complete, accurate and well-organised information will be your guiding principle for each of your media. A well-organised and regularly updated website will help you to reduce the plethora of information available to you. offline to keep the most relevant. Each of your media will contain the essential information, in the right dimensions to make it easy to read, and will link to the full information presented on your website.
Your website's mission: to turn visitors into spectators!
Your site's guiding principle will be to optimise the visitor's experience so that they interact with you:
- to convince them to book directly online
- to encourage them to contact your establishment
- to invite him to watch the trailer, which will finally convince him
- to encourage them to come with friends or family, thanks to attractive, well-promoted conditions
- to give him access to the calendars of your following productions
- to suggest that they sign up to your newsletter so that they can keep in touch with you through photos and cool testimonials
In your sector of activity, you have the enormous advantage of having a lot to show, to tell and to let people know, without any connotations. commercial Cultural information is generally very well received. So don't deprive yourself any longer!
Acquiring and retaining customers?
Art is universal and retaining a customer costs much less than acquiring one. This simply means that you will spend much more on attracting a new spectator than on someone who already knows your establishment.
As I said, messages from the cultural sector are well received by Internet users in general. In your sector of activity, don't deprive yourself of the marvellous tool that newsletters represent! You might say: "newsletters go straight into spam". Yes, but no!
It all depends on the quality of your database! If your list of e-mail addresses includes customers and Internet users who have shown an interest in your programmes, they will expect to hear from you! They will therefore be well received. They'll enjoy discovering your new shows and your latest news, and they'll find it easy to look forward to a future cultural evening. Yes, they will!
Your leitmotiv: the quality of your messages and your database
In the cultural world, you have 1001 ways of getting the word out! New releases, previews, interviews with actors and actresses, backstage interviews, audience testimonials, etc. You have every opportunity to thrill your audience and inspire them to comment on and share your news!
An economy of scale
When you put your communication plan in place, start by defining the format of each publication in order to structure your ideas directly and make them easier to implement. This way, you'll know in advance exactly what you'll need for your newsletters, news on your website and publications on your social networks, for example.
- A single photo report will cover all your needs for your different media, with the added bonus of different photos for each (of the event, the venue, backstage, spectators, etc.).
- The same interview can be presented in different ways: as a video extract to be turned into a teaser, as a feature article for your news, as anecdotes for your social networks, and so on.
- The same novelty may be treated differently in terms of style and length depending on the medium.
The success of a show or cultural event depends on your level of requirements, down to the smallest detail.
Filling your venue requires the same care in organising and implementing your communication plan, and your success will be guaranteed!